Monday, January 19, 2009

apple crisp for dinner and breakfast and possible dinner again....

MLK Day confessions:
1) I got up early so I could check my work e-mail so I could re-check the 2009 holiday calendar to re-assure/piss myself off that I had to work today. Boo.
2) Last night, I made an apple crisp and had that instead of dinner. It was too ugly to be bloggable in a photo but it is quite de-lish.
3) I also had apple crisp for breakfast. Yum.
4) I bought vanilla ice cream at the grocery store at lunchtime so I can eat it with my apple crisp at home for dessert.
5) I'm glad I'm not in DC for the Inauguration but I'm sad I'm not in DC for the Inauguration. It's hard to get a sense of the enormity of the situation from down here in Atlanta.
6) I'm still thinking about my apple crisp. I think what makes it particularly good is the almonds I added to the topping.
7) I'm still mad at my dog Cosmo for eating an entire loaf of pumpernickel bread on Sunday. I left the house for an hour and he managed to pull the table cloth off of my kitchen table and consume an entire loaf of bread. I have bread up there all the time and he's never shown any interest. I don't know what gets into him sometimes (other than food!).

1 comment:

georgiagongoras said...

Consider having the ice cream for breakfast too. Especially in the summer. I love that you don't have any 'rules' for what-to-eat-when. Rebellion!